General Manager Message

MODERN TASAMI CONTACTING Co has earned a good reputation as a reliable Contracting Company in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia. It has achieved tremendous growth since its inception in the year 1998. Through continuous development of its Human Resources, acquisition of the latest Technologies and adapting modern Management/Business practices TASAMI has achieved great success in the gulf region. Our commitment to our vision, mission, values and code of conduct is the foundation on which all our business activities rest. I would like to thank all our employees and clients for supporting and encouraging us through all these years and playing an important role in our success. TASAMI is a sister concern and has formed a close business relationship with SENDAN International company which will continue to provide with Equipment , Machinery , Manpower and other financial resources to Tasami to accomplish its assignments. Just as we constantly update and improve our Organization and Services, we want to continuously evolve our company to be in the best position to better serve our Clients.
General Manager